Phase 1 - Conquer Inner-self​

Conquering your self and knowing who you are is a must before you can achieve whatever you want in life and career

1. Your Innate abilities

Know your inborn talents that are key to a more fulfilling life and career (Assessment from Rockport Institute)

2. Your Strengths

Know your Top 5 talents and build on them to make it your strength (Assessment from Gallup)

3. Your Type

Know your type to understand similarities and appreciate differences in your personal and professional relationships (Assessment from MBTI)

4. Your Core Values

Explore what is important to you in life and career (Coaching and Self Assessment)

5. Your Goals

GPS for your life and career (Coaching and Activity)

6. Your Wants

Find our what gives you energy and what drains your energy in life and career (Coaching and Activity)

Phase 2 - Conquer Outer-world​

Clarity, Action, a coach by your side and community can get you incredible results. Coaching & Mentoring can be the differentiator between Top performers and a Normal human being

1. 24 coaching sessions for 1 year

Go deeper, get new awareness and design actions through the power of 1 to 1 coaching and mentoring sessions

2. High Impact Goals

Design and achieve a minimum of 3 High-impact goals in personal and professional life

3. Secret Code - FAC

F - That on which you Focus, Grows; A - That on which you Act, creates progress; C - That on which you have clarity, Happens

4. Access to Happy Employee Community (50% discount)

You become whom you are with. Alone, you can do little; Together, we can do wonderful things